International Choral Composition Competition Musica Sacra Nova (Poland/Germany)
- 1st prize with "Septem verba Domini Jesu Christi in cruce" for double mixed choir a cappella
International Choral Composition Competition Musica Sacra Nova (Poland/Germany)
- 1st prize with "Vulnerasti cor meum" for mixed choir and organ
European Choral Composition Competition "Cordate vocali" Trento (Italy)
- 1st prize with "Sgrìsoi" for male choir
Japan International Choral Composition Competition ICCC Japan
- Special mention with "The Good Thief" for mixed choir (5th place)
Euregio Klassika International Composition Competition
- 3rd prize with "Navigare senza mare" for male choir
International Choral Composition Competition "Seghizzi" (Italy)
- 1st prize with "Hope" for mixed choir
IFCM International Choral Composition Competition
- 1st prize with "The Arrow and the Song" for high and low voices and piano
National Choral Composition Competition "Alma Dantis" FENIARCO (Italy)
- 1st prize with "Occhi di bragia" for mixed choir
International Choral Composition Competition "Giancarlo Facchinetti" Brescia (Italy)
- 1st prize with "Ad ogni man ritrosa" for mixed choir
International Choral Composition Competition "Bondì cara Venezia" ASAC Veneto (Italy)
- 1st prize with "Come una gondola" for mixed choir
International Choral Composition Competition "Caecilia Virgo" (Italy)
- 2nd prize with "Sanctus" for mixed choir and organ
International Choral Composition Competition Musica Sacra Nova (Poland/Germany)
- 2nd prize with "In paradisum" for mixed choir
International Choral Composition Competition "...a riveder le stelle" ANDCI (Italy)
- 1st prize with "Al sommo d'una porta" for mixed choir
International Choral Composition Competition "Ave verum" Baden (Austria)
- 1st prize with "Ave verum corpus" for mixed choir
International Choral Composition Competition "Nuove musiche dalla Livenza" (Italy)
- 2nd prize with "Tutto il mondo danza" for children's choir
National Choral Composition Competition "Romano Galvan" Borgo Valsugana (Italy)
- 2nd prize with "Nel silenzio della notte" for male choir
International Choral Composition Competition AERCO Bologna (Italy)
- 2nd prize with "Invitation to love" for male vocal sextet
National Choral Composition Competition "Canta Petrarca" Arezzo (Italy)
- Sepecial mention with "La bella donna che cotanto amavi" for mixed choir
International Choral Composition Competition "David Maria Turoldo" (Italy)
- Special mention with "Lasciamo la notte alle spalle" for children's choir, cello and piano
International Choral Composition Competition "Nuove musiche dalla Livenza" (Italy)
- 3rd prize with "Il gioco della speranza" for children's choir
International Choral Composition Competition Musica Sacra Nova (Poland/Germany)
- 2nd prize with "Ave, Regina caelorum" for mixed choir
International Choral Composition Competition for Children's Choir "Corinfesta - AERCO" (Italy)
- 2nd prize with "Nane fagòt"
National Choral Composition Competition Virgo Vox Ensemble, Milano (Italy)
- 1st prize ex aequo with "Virgo Dei genitrix" for female choir
International Choral Composition Competition "Komos" Bologna (Italy)
- 1st prize with "Es verdad" for male choir
International Choral Composition Competition for Children's Choir "Corinfesta - AERCO" (Italy)
- 2nd prize with "Lenta la neve fiocca"
International Choral Composition Competition "Seghizzi" (Italy)
- Finalist with "Consolatio" for double mixed choir
International Choral Composition Competition "Guido d'Arezzo" (Italy)
- Special mention with "Pygmalion" for mixed choir
National Choral Composition Competition "Renato della Torre - Poesie in musica" (Italy)
- 3rd prize with "Soreli sul nevâl" for male choir
National Choral Composition Competition "Accademia Musicale di Oderzo" (Italy)
- "Zeno Lovato Price" with the Psalm "Acclamate al Signore" for mixed choir
International Choral Composition Competition "David Maria Turoldo", Rovato (Italy)
- 3rd prize with "Cieli, irrorate la vostra rugiada" for mixed choir